Twin Lakes (Upper & Lower) Outing

Date and Time



Date:  April 20 2024

Host:  We need a volunteer

Check in with host at boat launch Guests are required to sign waiver on site. 

Overview of Outing Twin Lakes is just North of Coffeepot Lake the turn off for Twin Lakes is about a mile before the turn off for Coffeepot on Highline Rd.

Recommended Flies Woolly Buggers (Sizes 12-16 Colors Black, Brown, Olive) fished on a sinking or intermediate line depending on the depth. Leaches (Sizes 12-16 Colors: Black, Olive) used with a full sinking line with about 4’ of 3X tippet. Chironomid larva – Bionic Worm (Sizes 10, 12, 14) fished on a long leader with a strike indicator. Chironomid pupa (Size 14 Color: Black with silver wire rib and a silver tungsten bead.) fished under an indicator. Streamers should also work. Note: There are very limited shoreline places to fish from. 

Directions: Head West on I-90 till exit 245 Sprague-Harrington then turn right and take Hwy WA 23 North towards Harrington for 21 miles.  Once in Harrington go right on S.3rd Street turn left on W Linden Street, take quick left head up on Coffee Pot road for 13 miles and take right on Highline rd. and head up the hill till you see the sign for Twin Lakes and then head downhill to the first of the Twin Lakes. There is a parking lot near the cement and brick toilet.

Discover Pass or Vehicle Access Pass required

Food: This is considered a day outing so you are responsible for your own lunches and snacks. There is no water available at this so you should bring your own drinking water.

Suggestions: There are some limited areas where you can fish from the shore. I would strongly suggest that you bring a float tube, pontoon boat, kayak, or small boat as there is a boat launch.

ADVANCED SIGN UP REQUIRED:  Sign up is online. Go to Log in.  Go to “Events”. Go down the page to Twin Lakes Outing and click the image. Select the blue type Waiver and Liability link, read waiver and click “OK”  Go down to sign up form and sign up.  You are done.



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