About SFF
Your guide to fly fishing
About Spokane fly fishers
The Spokane Fly Fishers Club was founded in 1977 through the efforts of Larry Patterson, Lee Gomes, Don and Mary DeLuca, and Joe King. These dedicated anglers sought to develop a family-friendly club to promote the sport of fly fishing through education, application, and conservation.
The club meets monthly (Sept. – May) to discuss all aspects of the sport and to encourage novice and advanced anglers alike to get involved. The club’s annual fly fishing school and other classes teach the techniques and traditions of fly fishing as well as active participation in conserving quality fishing and waters.
The Spokane Fly Fishers Club is an affiliated club of Fly Fishers International.

President's Welcome
As President of the Spokane Fly Fishers, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to our website. Please use it often as a resource and guide to the history and background of our club as well as to our meetings, events, and activities. The site will provide you with information on membership (dues and payment) club member outings, fundraisers, conservation activities, and educational and volunteer opportunities.
Please join us in our work as we seek to provide a family-friendly organization for promoting the sport of fly fishing through education, application, and conservation.
Club History
The Spokane Fly Fishers Club was founded in 1977 through the efforts of Larry Patterson, Lee Gomes, Don & Mary De Luca, and Joe King. The club started with nearly 75 members in 1977, but has steadily grown to nearly 300 today.
Club Goals
Our Mission is to provide a family friendly organization for promoting the sport of fly fishing through education, application and conservation.
Board & Committee
The club Board of Directors is made up of 6 Officers, and 3 Directors. In addition to answering to the membership, the Officers are responsible for the operation of the corporation, and the Directors are responsible for interfacing with and representing the general membership on all board matters, though both vote on matters before the board.
The club By-Laws are like the “constitution” of the club, defining the basic rules and regulations related to the structure of the organization (a Limited Liability Corporation), the governing Board, and the basic operation of that organization necessary to meet all legal requirements as well as the needs of the club.
Standing Rules
The Standing Rules are the second group of rules that direct the actions of club members. They represent rules that may change from time to time, allowing the addition or removal of these rules as needed, without changing the basic rules and regulations of the club that are defined in the By-Laws.