This years Intermediate Fly Tying will reflect the flies and knowledge necessary to fish in the nearby region. Each class will be taught by
experienced volunteer tiers. If you have completed the fine class taught by
Mary Kovatch or have been tying on your own and can already tie basic trout flies you should be qualified to enjoy this class.
Tiers need to provide basic fly tying tools, vises,etc. Bringing a variety of basic thread colors should equip you to tie most flies being taught. We provide specific materials to tie the flies being taught. A portable light is handy to add more light on your vise and flies. An extension cord also helps as outlets are located on the edges of the room. This class will be fun, and will add another dimension to your skills and teach you good flies to improve your
fishing and hopefully catching. It has also proven to be lots of fun and a good time to meet up with old friends and make new ones. A pattern/material/tool list will be sent out prior to the weeks tying.

The schedule for the Intermediate Fly Tying classes is as follows:
Thursday, January 9th
Thursday, January 16th
Wednesday, January 22nd
Thursday, January 30th
Wednesday, February 5th
Thursday, February 13th
All classes will begin at 6:00 PM. Classes run until 8:00 PM. They will be held at the: Inland Northwest Wildlife Council Building 6116 North Market Street
Cost for the class will remain at $35.00. The fees cover the classroom rental and materials used by students to tie the flies. Class size is limited to 20-25 participants.
Payment due at or before first class!
Contact Dan Ferguson, or 509-251-7235 for signup.