If you are a member of our 2020 Fly Fishing Class you should have received a notice concerning tonight Zoom class meeting.
David Marshall will be the instructor for tonight’s, May 12 at 6pm, class about fly fishing on stillwater. We have decided to host this class using the Zoom meeting platform. If you have never used it before, I promise its easy. If you haven’t gotten an email please call Claude Kistler at 509.747.2268. well before 6 PM if possible to get the details which will not be published online but only sent to class members via email.
With the “Stay in Place” order the fly fishing school was shut down on March 14th with four out of the 11 classes and demonstrations completed. At the April 14th conference call of the Board of Directors, I was asked by the Board to consider online instruction. As this issue of the Barbless is being produced, class members, and instructors are being surveyed to determine if some form of interactive or non-interactive instruction can be offered. Our three remaining class sessions are fishing still water, water safety and fish id/conservation and club overview.
If and when some of the “stay in place” orders are lifted, it may still be some time before groups of 10 and over can meet and congregate which makes it impossible to convene our 3 remaining instructional casting classes as well as the final on the water session and picnic.
As we try to move forward, we will do so following all guidelines to ensure the health and safety of all involved.

The Fly School is up and running with a boat load of students. We took on 46 students who are a combination of folks who are beginners as well as those who are doing some fine tuning and increasing their formal knowledge of fly fishing. Especially encouraging is the fact that 24% or 11 of our attendees are women. The base of fly fishing is growing and that is good for us all.
Dan Ferguson led us off with an excellent overview of equipment needed to begin this journey and Rick Newman and Chet Allision, as well as several volunteers provided great instruction in knot tying during our second class session. Upcoming classes on entomology and fishing still and moving water are especially popular with instruction by Al Odenthal and David Marshall. Our outdoor fly casting instruction runs March 14, 21 and 28 from 9:00am to 11:00am at Franklin Park on Spokane’s north-side (Division and Queen) and additional volunteer instructors are still needed. While we have six signed-up at this time, with a large class it would be great if we could have another 4 to 6 volunteers.
Our final class is Saturday April 4th at Medical Lake’s Waterfront Park and it’s important that we have the same number of volunteers at that site as well.Thanks to all of our instructors and volunteers who make this a great experience for all students each year.
To volunteer, please contact me at 509.747.2268 or clkistler@comcast.net.
The indoor class dates are from 6:00pm to approx. 8:30pm as follows:
Class #1 – Thursday, February 20 (Equipment)
Class #2 – Friday, February 28 (Knot Tying)
Class #3 – Wednesday, March 4 (Entomology)
Class #4 – Thursday, March 12 (Still Water-Lakes & Ponds)
Class #5 – Thursday, March 19 (Moving Water-Rivers & Streams)
Class #6 – Friday, March 27 (Water Safety) <–new date
Class #7 – Wednesday, April 1 (Fish ID & Conservation)
Outdoor Casting Classes are held on the three Saturdays listed at Franklin Park just west of the intersection of Division and Queen.
in North Spokane (9:00am – 11:00am)
Casting Class #1 – Saturday, March 14th
Casting Class #2 – Saturday, March 21st
Casting Class #3 – Saturday, March 28th
The final class is Saturday, April 4th at Waterfront Park – Medical Lake. (9:00am– 1:00pm)
This class includes additional basic instruction as well as casting on the water. If there is enough interest, there will be pontoon boat instruction prior to the 9:00am class start. The day closes with pizza and soft drinks. The school is a great opportunity to learn a lifetime skill at a great price. Current SFF members pay only $80.00* Spouse will pay the same. The non-member fee is $130.00 for ages 18 and over and $75.00 for ages 12 thru 17. (additional $22.00 fee for class textbook). The non-member fee includes club membership through May 2021.
The membership also allows new members the opportunity to participate in club outings where they can grow their knowledge and skills and join other SFF fly fishing enthusiasts on area rivers, streams and lakes.
If interested contact Claude Kistler at fs@spokaneflyfishers.com or by phone at 509.747.2268.