Contact Us
Drop us a line & we'll tackle your questions
Fill out the form and let us know (email or letter mail) if we can answer any questions you might have about the club, membership, classes, outings, activities, etc.
Mailing Address
SFF Club
PO Box 4141,
Spokane, WA 99220
Your guide to fly fishing
About Spokane fly fishers
We strive to be a user-friendly club in order to help you along your lifelong journey of fly fishing. From scheduling meetings featuring local, regional, and nationally known speakers, guides and authors, to offering educational seminars for members and our annual Fly Fishing School, we want to help grow your knowledge and participation in fly fishing. In addition to improving skills, we want to provide you with opportunities to participate in volunteering, conservation and preserving our waters and fishing habitat. Please check us out, become a member, volunteer and join us in our work.