October 2020

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This month I‘ve included information about several Conservation activities that have or will be taking place.

Brown’s Lake – after hearing that platform boards may need to bereplaced at the viewing platform at Brown’s Creek, I traveled to Brown’s Lake on Sept. 11th to determine the scope of the project. Unfortunately, the Campground was closed due to a number of downed trees in the campground and surrounding area. I haven’t been able to speak directly with the new Forest Service contact yet so I assume the repairs will have to wait until next spring.

Bristol Bay, Alaska – after publishing positive news about Pebble Mine (NO!) decision making last month, SFF member Steve Goodman sent a note that a final decision will be made by the President in the next 4 to 6 weeks and your input is still needed.

To make your voice known, please make contact as follows:

Spokane River Clean-Up – There have been a number of “clean-up” activities on the Spokane River this past summer and into September. Please look for clean-up opportunities sponsored by the Spokane River Keepers, Spokane River Forum and the Lands Council.

Lands Council – the Lands Council is doing amazing work in the Spokane area. The Council has a contract with Spokane County for riparian restoration on Dartford Creek (Little Spokane watershed.) The Lands Council “National Clean-Up Day” on the Spokane River was on Sept. 19th. On October 10th they partner with Avista for their annual Reforest Spokane Day at Marshall Creek.

Inland Empire Fly Fishing Club – the IEFFC Fall project to lay down additional gravel at the Amber Lake launch has been postponed due to COVID by the WDFW. SFF tries to partner with this activity and we are hopeful this can be accomplished next Spring.

Fin Clipping – this September activity at the Spokane Fish Hatchery has also been canceled by WDFW due to COVID.

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